Bullet Proof your CORE in 2 weeks

Bullet Proof Your CORE in 2 weeks

Language: English

Instructors: Chandana Mannedi


Why this course?


Your core is like a cylinder. The most effective way to train this cylinder is to work on the entire muscle group at once.

This program will enhance the entire muscle group working together, building a balance at the whole cylinder. This is what will ultimately gives you performance and injury prevention.

Your core consists of Rectus Abdominus (Six pack muscle), Transverse Abdominis (the corset) Internal and External Obliques (the cross slings) Erector Spinae (the small set of strong muscles along the length of spinal column).

Your core is not just abdominal muscles:

#Abs workout is not core strengthening workout

#Just doing crunches will not build core

#Sucking your abs is not engaging or strengthening core

#Core strengthening is not just for people suffering from back pain

#You will not get 6 packs with core strengthening exercises.

#When doing leg or arm workout you need core working all the time.

Follow this program carefully step wise day wise and secure your back by making the core absolutely strong inside out.

Sign Up Today!!!

*please note that if you are experiencing a severe and acute injury/pain or chronic pain it is best to book an assessment with a Physiotherapist to determine the specific underlying condition. Also these movements are not one size fit all. Reach me at chandana@flexpilates.in if you are interested in an individualized program custom to your needs.

How to Use

After successful purchase, this item would be added to your courses.You can access your courses in the following ways :

  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
  • For other devices, you can access your library using this web app through browser of your device.
